Join the SwiftLee Weekly newsletter (read by 20k+ Swift & SwiftUI developers)

Subscribe to SwiftLee Weekly, the leading free Swift newsletter with top Swift & SwiftUI links, delivered every Tuesday. Get access to code examples for my articles and receive a unique welcome gift: discounts on books, courses, and apps related to Swift development.

Every week covering Swift & SwiftUI, written by the community
A welcome offer of on books & courses from friends
Enhance your development tooling with a on Helm for App Store Connect & RocketSim

I’m Antoine van der Lee, an iOS engineer since 2009 and a full-time indie after working for 7.5 years as a Staff iOS Engineer at WeTransfer. I’ve published new Swift articles weekly since 2019 and curated 200+ newsletter issues, and I frequently speak at conferences all around the world.

Antoine van der Lee explaining Swift Macros at the NSSpain Conference.
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A weekly Swift newsletter containing unique content:

  • Monthly giveaways with tickets for conferences, free books, and more
  • The five best Swift- and SwiftUI-related posts of the week
  • Swift & Apple-related news
  • A weekly new SwiftLee blog post
  • Question of the week submitted by SwiftLee Weekly followers
  • An overview of Swift Proposal state changes
An example of SwiftLee Weekly, a popular Swift newsletter.
An example of SwiftLee Weekly, a popular Swift newsletter.
Stay up to date on the latest Swift Evolution Proposal changes.
Stay updated with the Swift Evolution Proposal’s weekly overview of state changes.

I promise I’ll never send you anything besides this single weekly newsletter with quality content.

How do you stay current as a Swift developer?

Let me do the hard work and join 19,848 developers that stay up to date using my weekly newsletter:

Explore SwiftLee Weekly newsletter issues

Still not convinced? How about checking out the latest newsletter issue?

A long-running, fast-growing Swift newsletter

SwiftLee Weekly is a newsletter that started in March 2020, resulting in over 250+ issues. Every Tuesday, you’ll receive the five must-read Swift & SwiftUI development articles.

While curating this newsletter, I’m scanning and reading all articles published in the last week. I do this to save you time, as you no longer have to follow all popular blogs. Simply follow my newsletter, and I’ll make sure that you only read or look at articles that I believe are the best for this week.

How does SwiftLee Weekly compare to other Swift newsletters?

Several other great newsletters exist, like iOS Dev Weekly and the iOS CI newsletter. I highly recommend following those newsletters, but they differ quite a bit from mine.

SwiftLee Weekly only curates five articles max per week. Your time is limited, so I want you only to get notified about articles that I believe are worth reading. You shouldn’t miss those! It’s the best way to learn while not spending too much time.

Secondly, I’ll ensure you’re current on the latest Swift Evolution proposals. This is unique in the world of SwiftUI and Swift newsletters. I compare all state changes since the last newsletter issue and provide you with a nice and compact overview—the best way to stay updated on what’s coming next to the Swift language.

The question of the week combines my experience from over 15 years of development with your requests. Any questions related to app development will be answered in my weekly newsletter question of the week. You can submit your questions here.

Inspire others to follow SwiftLee Weekly and get RocketSim Lifetime & a free coaching session

As a subscriber to my newsletter, you can use your personal affiliate link to share it with your network. Every referral counts toward several awards, including RocketSim Lifetime and a one-on-one coaching session.

The latter is unique since I don’t generally offer one-on-one coaching sessions. However, it means a lot to me if you help me grow, so I want to return the favor and give you the opportunity to have a dedicated session to ask me anything. Whether you want to talk about career opportunities, a coding problem you have, or just a general chat with a coffee—that’s all possible!

You’ll find your affiliate link at the bottom of every weekly issue in your inbox.

The importance of staying updated via newsletters

Honestly, I wouldn’t be the developer I am today without following several newsletters. SwiftLee Weekly is a free newsletter delivered in your inbox weekly on a Tuesday. You don’t have to do anything for it, just chill on your couch while scrolling through a curated set of articles. Every week, you’ll be a little bit smarter. Not feeling like it? Just scan the newsletter and only read what you want.

Without a newsletter subscription, you’ll be responsible to stay current. Will you follow all bloggers on social media? Will you subscribe to tens of RSS feeds? Up to you, but I can tell from curating 200+ issues that it’s a lot of work to read all those articles.

While you could rely on Googling for articles while you’re working on a specific issue, there’s still a need to stay current on new changes. If you’re unaware of Property Wrappers, you will never search for it either. My newsletter curates articles covering these kind of Swift features, even before they’re released via the Swift Proposals overview.

You’ll receive a complete weekly overview by subscribing to SwiftLee Weekly. You can always unsubscribe if you’re unhappy with your free email subscription. 20K+ developers didn’t, as they still receive a single email every week. Join them now, and grow together towards a more experienced engineer:

How do you stay current as a Swift developer?

Let me do the hard work and join 19,848 developers that stay up to date using my weekly newsletter:

You’ll receive several discounts in return, including a 30% discount code for RocketSim & Helm—the industry standard productivity tools you need for app development. I’ve also asked community friends like Donny Wals & Sean Allen for discount codes on books and courses to kickstart your learning journey. Once you’re ready to join fellow engineers in person, you can use my monthly giveaways to win a free ticket for conferences like Do iOS, NSSpain, or ARCtic Conference.

I hope to welcome you as a new SwiftLee Weekly subscriber and I’ll promise you to never send more than one email per week.

See you soon?

Founder & Indie Developer behind SwiftLee Weekly.