Core Data
Dive deep into Core Data related topics, from basics to advanced implementations. Best practices explained with code examples.
Core Data and App extensions: Sharing a single database
Core Data got better and better over the years with improved APIs that make it easier to work with. The Apple framework allows you to save your application's permanent data for offline use, to provide undo functionality or to simply cache data for better performance. After implementing the basics into ...
Using NSBatchDeleteRequest to delete batches in Core Data
An NSBatchDeleteRequest can be used to efficiently delete a batch of entries from a Core Data SQLite persistent store. It runs faster than deleting Core Data entities yourself on a managed object context as they operate at the SQL level in the persistent store itself. Its usage, however, is a ...
Core Data Debugging in Xcode using launch arguments
Core Data is Appleās object graph management and persistency framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It's around for a long time and therefore a great solution to use for persistent storage of structured data in your application. Core Data Debugging might be a bit hard, although some less-known functionalities ...