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Binary Targets in Swift Package Manager

Binary Targets in Swift Package Manager (SPM) allow packages to declare xcframework bundles as available targets. The technique is often used to provide access to closed-source libraries and can improve CI performance by reducing time spent on fetching SPM repositories. Both downs and upsides are essential to consider when adding ...

Refactoring Swift: Best Practices to succeed

Refactoring code is part of the journey toward building sustainable apps. Whether you're experienced or not: every developer refactors their code to improve its quality or readability. A refactor can be small enough to make you do it unconsciously, while bigger ones can become intimidating. I've been developing apps for ...

Side Projects: 10 Tips for being successful

It's common to have a side project as an engineer since we can build our ideas. At the same time, it's also trending to start a new project before you've finished the previous one. You could say there's a graveyard of many side projects that didn't reach the public. While ...

App Icon Generator is no longer needed with Xcode 14

An App Icon Generator generates all required app icon sizes based on a single-size icon input file. Creating and dragging all those app icons into Xcode is often tiresome since we've all asked ourselves: "Why can't Xcode just generate the sizes for us based on a single file?" Well, there's ...

Increase App Ratings by using SKStoreReviewController

SKStoreReviewController allows asking your users for App Store ratings from within the app. Positive ratings can help your app stand out in the App Store and attract more users. Conversions can increase when you ask the user for a rating at the right time. While implementing rating requests is easy, ...

Writing Swift Articles: Tips to become a better writer

Writing Swift articles is a great way to become a better engineer and is often seen as a required skill for Senior developers. By writing down your knowledge or learnings around a topic, you're creating your knowledge base, which you can revisit whenever you want. At the same time, you're ...

Non-fatal errors vs fatal crashes: The differences explained

Non-fatal errors happen in every application that's developed and have a close relationship with fatal errors. Most of us know that both types of errors have an essential difference: fatal errors are not recoverable, while non-fatals are. In my 10+ years of development experience, I've seen many engineers ignoring non-fatal ...

Increasing development effectiveness by recognizing repetition

Development effectiveness determines how fast and efficient you can work as an engineer. The more efficient you can make your daily flow of development, the better your results will be. If you know me, you know that I love automating repetitive tasks. I'm able to keep up with SwiftLee, my ...

Presentation tips for performing professional Swift talks

Presentation tips can help you perform professional Swift talks by making sure you're well prepared and professional-looking. Last week, I gave a talk at SwiftLeeds, and I realized all my experience from 5 years of talks at multiple conferences and meetup talks was a bit lost. You might not know, ...

App Launch Time: 7 tips to increase performance

App Launch Time is the time it takes before your app becomes responsive after startup. As the first experience of your user it's important that it's smooth and as fast as possible. A slow startup time could mean losing a lot of users which can result in less usage in ...

WWDC 2020: 7 Tips to prepare yourself

In less than a week we will know what WWDC 2020 has brought to us. Apple has been working hard like every year to deliver a new Xcode, OS versions, and possibly new products. It's like Christmas in the middle of the year if you're developing for any of Apple's ...

4 Tips to make it easier to fix crashes and bugs

Each app comes with performance issues, crashes, and bugs to fix. Although we try our very best we will always end up with unforeseen issues. Even when your app runs smoothly on your device, all tests succeed and QA green lights your build. Therefore, we can all use some tips ...