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RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

ChatGPT for Swift: Top 5 code generation prompts

Using ChatGPT for Swift code generation can drastically increase your productivity. While I'm uncertain whether AI will take over our jobs as developers, I'm certain developers without knowledge of using AI to their advantage will become much slower in writing code. Today, we will look at a few of my ...

The power of consistency in side projects

The success of your side projects can be mixed, but consistency brings power to your results. It's often easier to start a new project when results are disappointing rather than sticking to that high-potential project you've always believed in. I've been developing a few side projects over the years but ...

Swift Newsletters: How to stay up to date as an app developer

Following the Swift Evolution can be time-consuming, but Swift newsletters enable you, as an app developer, to stay current. The language is moving fast, and new features appear every year. While you might be able to develop apps without adopting new features immediately, finding a structured way to keep yourself ...

Using campaign links to track impressions, downloads, and sales

Campaign links open your App Store product page and allow you to track the performance of your marketing channels. As an app developer, it's crucial to understand how users discover your app. For example, many new users find Daily via the web, primarily via organic search (Google Search), paid ads ...

Promotional offers: Increase App Revenue using discounts

Promotional offers allow you to increase the revenue for your app by promoting a user's subscription to a new offer. You can use this technique to win back users who canceled their subscription or to upsell users from a monthly to a yearly plan. Implementing promotional offers differs per project ...

Build performance analysis for speeding up Xcode builds

Build performance can be analyzed in Xcode to speed up your builds. This can quickly speed up your workflow and save a lot of time during the day for all developers working on the project. Slow builds often distract us as they enable us to focus on distractions like social ...

10 Tips to Get Your App Featured on the App Store

Getting your app featured on the App Store allows you to gain organic growth and more reach. Users can find your app by browsing through the App Store inside one of Apple's curated lists of apps. I've been developing apps since 2009, and several of my apps got featured over ...

Xcode Simulator Directories Exploration

Xcode Simulator directories allow you to find related files for your app. Unlike on a real device, you can access all folders that represent the app your building. Exploring those directories allows you to debug and optimize accordingly. Whether you're debugging storage issues, optimizing app binary size, or looking to ...

Engineering goals: How to become a more successful developer

Engineering goals create focus and help you achieve the milestones of becoming a successful developer. You'll know better what you've accomplished in the past months, and make sure that you work on projects with the highest impact. Over the past years, goals helped me successfully release new versions of RocketSim ...

Binary Targets in Swift Package Manager

Binary Targets in Swift Package Manager (SPM) allow packages to declare xcframework bundles as available targets. The technique is often used to provide access to closed-source libraries and can improve CI performance by reducing time spent on fetching SPM repositories. Both downs and upsides are essential to consider when adding ...

Refactoring Swift: Best Practices to succeed

Refactoring code is part of the journey toward building sustainable apps. Whether you're experienced or not: every developer refactors their code to improve its quality or readability. A refactor can be small enough to make you do it unconsciously, while bigger ones can become intimidating. I've been developing apps for ...