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Xcode Simulator Directories Exploration

Xcode Simulator directories allow you to find related files for your app. Unlike on a real device, you can access all folders that represent the app your building. Exploring those directories allows you to debug and optimize accordingly. Whether you're debugging storage issues, optimizing app binary size, or looking to ...

Getting started with Unit Tests in Swift

Unit tests in programming languages ensure that written code works as expected. Given a particular input, you expect the code to come with a specific output. By testing your code, you're creating confidence for refactors and releases, as you'll ensure the code works as expected after running your suite of ...

Faster StoreKit testing by syncing in-app purchase products

StoreKit testing in the Simulator allows you to speed up testing in-app purchases for your app. You can test in-app purchases in Xcode by generating a StoreKit configuration file containing the available products for your app. You'll be able to purchase products without connecting to App Store servers, without an ...

App Icon Generator is no longer needed with Xcode 14

An App Icon Generator generates all required app icon sizes based on a single-size icon input file. Creating and dragging all those app icons into Xcode is often tiresome since we've all asked ourselves: "Why can't Xcode just generate the sizes for us based on a single file?" Well, there's ...

Thread Sanitizer explained: Data Races in Swift

The Thread Sanitizer, also known as TSan, is an LLVM based tool to audit threading issues in your Swift and C language written code. It was first introduced in Xcode 8 and can be a great tool to find less visible bugs in your code, like data races. At WeTransfer, ...

Development Assets in Xcode to enrich SwiftUI Previews

Development Assets in Xcode allow you to provide test data to use within SwiftUI previews and other code during development. Assets marked for development will only be included in debug builds and removed once you create an archive of your app. Without being aware of development assets, you might have ...

Xcode Mark Line to improve readability using // Mark: comments

Xcode Mark Lines allows us to create a better overview of sections within our classes or structs. A so-called mark comment adds both a chapter title and linebreak in the Xcode method navigator. This chapter split makes it easier to quickly navigate through a relative big object. Even-though this technique ...

Overriding UserDefaults for improved productivity

UserDefaults within apps are used to store data related to user configurations. It's an easily accessible data store for saving states, statistics, and other app-related data. Launch arguments are passed to the application on launch and can be used to alter the application for debugging purposes. It's often used by ...

Launch screens in Xcode: All the options explained

Launch screens appear when your app starts up and give the user the impression that your app is fast and responsive. After your app is loaded it will be replaced with your app's first screen after which the user can start using your app. Xcode creates a storyboard by default ...

SVG Assets in Xcode for Single Scale Images

Xcode 12 introduced support for using Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) image assets in iOS, macOS, and iPadOS. It's one of those changes that you might have missed during WWDC 2020 as it's quite a small addition. Up until Xcode 12, we were able to use single scale resources by using ...

SwiftUI Previews: Validating views in different states

SwiftUI Previews allow us to develop a lot faster as we can now preview our views live in Xcode. Whenever we change a piece of code, our preview will update and show the rendered change accordingly. While developing a view that has to change into different appearances for certain states ...

Dark Mode: Adding support to your app in Swift

Dark Mode was introduced in iOS 13 and announced at WWDC 2019. It adds a darker theme to iOS and allows you to do the same for your app. It's a great addition to give to your users so they can experience your app in a darker design. In this ...