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Thread Sanitizer explained: Data Races in Swift

The Thread Sanitizer, also known as TSan, is an LLVM based tool to audit threading issues in your Swift and C language written code. It was first introduced in Xcode 8 and can be a great tool to find less visible bugs in your code, like data races.

At WeTransfer, the Thread Sanitizer helped us solve flaky tests and weird crashes that we couldn’t really pinpoint to a certain cause. You might not have used the TSan before, as it could be a bit unclear what this tool does and how it works. Therefore, it’s time to dive in and explain how to improve your code with the Thread Sanitizer.

What are Data Races?

Before we dive into the sanitizer, we first need to know what we’re actually looking for. We’re going to fix something that is called a Data Race.

Data races occur when the same memory is accessed from multiple threads without synchronization, and at least one access is a write. Data Races can lead to several issues:

  • Unpredictable behavior
  • Memory corruption
  • Flaky tests
  • Weird crashes

As a Data Race is unpredictable, it can be inconsistently occurring when testing your app. You might have a crash on startup that is not occurring again the second time you start your app. If this is the case, you might be dealing with a Data Race.

Examples of a Data Race in Swift

Once you know what a Data Race is, you might get better at detecting potential issues in your code. However, sometimes it’s less clear that code could potentially lead to a Data Race. Therefore, a few examples to show you what a Data Race is.

In the following piece of code, two different threads access the same String property:

An example Data Race captured by the Thread Sanitizer
An example Data Race captured by the Thread Sanitizer

As the background thread is writing to the name, we have at least one write access. The behavior is unpredictable as it depends on whether the print statement or the write is executed first. This is an example of a Data Race, which the Thread Sanitizer confirms.

A Data Race caused by a lazy variable

A lazy variable delays the initialization of an instance to the moment it gets called for the first time. This means that a data write will happen at the first moment a lazy variable is accessed. When two threads access this same lazy variable for the first time, a Data Race can occur:

A Data Race caused by a lazy variable
A Data Race caused by a lazy variable

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Using the Thread Sanitizer to detect Data Races

The above examples show us that a Data Race can easily occur. In small pieces of code, you might be able to catch this, but it gets a lot harder as soon as your project grows. Therefore, it’s time for some help by making use of the Thread Sanitizer.

You can do the same for your test schemes which can be an efficient way of catching data access related bugs.

How to enable the Thread Sanitizer

You can enable the Thread Sanitizer from the scheme configuration:

The Thread Sanitizer can be enabled from the scheme configuration
The Thread Sanitizer can be enabled from the scheme configuration

You can do the same for your test schemes, which can efficiently catch data races.

How does the Thread Sanitizer work?

Your app will be rebuild from scratch once you enable the Thread Sanitizer. The compiler will add around each memory access to check whether certain access participates in a race. The above code example would look as follows after the compiler transformed it:

func updateName() { {
        self.recordAndCheckWrite( // Added by the compiler"Antoine van der Lee")

    // Executed on the Main Thread
    self.recordAndCheckWrite( // Added by the compiler

The recordAndCheckWrite method will store a timestamp for each access and each Thread used by the sanitizer to detect a Data Race.

Are there any restrictions on the Thread Sanitizer?

The Thread Sanitizer comes with a few restrictions:

  • It’s only supported for 64-bit macOS and 64-bit iOS and tvOS simulators
  • watchOS is not supported
  • You can’t use TSan on a device

Performance impact

As quoted from the Apple documentation, using TSan can lead to decreased performance:

Running your code with these diagnostics also introduces a 2x to 20x slowdown of your app. To improve your code’s memory usage, compile your code with the -O1 optimization.

How to solve a Data Race?

After you know what a Data Race is and how to detect them, it’s time to write a solution, so they don’t occur again. As we’ve learned before, data access related bugs occur when multiple threads access the same memory without proper synchronization. Taking the above example, we could write a solution as follows using dispatch queues:

private let lockQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "name.lock.queue")
private var name: String = "Antoine van der Lee"

func updateNameSync() { {
        self.lockQueue.async {
  "Antoine van der Lee")

    // Executed on the Main Thread
    lockQueue.async {
        // Executed on the lock queue

// Prints:
// Antoine van der Lee
// Antoine van der Lee

Using a lock queue, we synchronized access and ensured that only one thread at a time accessed the name variable. This is a fundamental solution to our problem. If you want to know more about solving this more efficiently with better performance, I encourage you to read my blog post on Concurrent in Swift explained.

Using Actors to solve data races

The Concurrency Framework announced at WWDC 2021 introduced Actors for synchronizing access to data. This is the best solution for solving data access related bugs and should be more straightforward than dispatch queues.

To learn more about Actors in Swift, I encourage you to read my article Actors in Swift: how to use and prevent data races. The above example could be rewritten using actors by creating a name controller:

actor NameController {
    private(set) var name: String = "My name is: "
    func updateName(to name: String) { = name

The name controller actor is responsible for any access to the name property. Our updateName method would be rewritten as follows:

func updateName() async { .userInitiated).async {
        Task {
            await self.nameController.updateName(to: "Antoine van der Lee")
    // Executed on the Main Thread

As you can see, we need to use the async/await keywords as access becomes asynchronous. You can learn more about this in my article Async await in Swift explained with code examples.


That was it! A deep dive into Data Races in Swift. Hopefully, you can start catching bugs and fix some crashes that have been in your code for a long time. Using the Thread Sanitizer regularly helps you to prevent unseen mistakes.

If you like to improve your Swift knowledge even more, check out the Swift category page. Feel free to contact me or tweet me on Twitter if you have any additional tips or feedback.


Antoine van der Lee

Written by

Antoine van der Lee

iOS Developer since 2010, former Staff iOS Engineer at WeTransfer and currently full-time Indie Developer & Founder at SwiftLee. Writing a new blog post every week related to Swift, iOS and Xcode. Regular speaker and workshop host.

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