Give your simulator superpowers

RocketSim: An Essential Developer Tool
as recommended by Apple

Issue 44
Jan 12, 2021

Swift 5.4 is on its way which will at least include Result Builders (SE-0289), Implicit Member Chains (SE-0287), and Multiple Variadic Parameters (SE-0284, I'm going to love this one!). All great additions to the Swift library which will help us to write even better Swift code.

However, if there's one thing to look forward to it's going to be async & await. I've included a video by Vincent Pradeilles in this newsletter which will show you how it's (likely) going to work. It's going to be a big change in the way we write our asynchronous code and I bet it requires a lot of rewriting to fully adapt to async/await.

Most of the existing APIs are automatically going to get adoption for async alternatives which will allow us to eventually migrate all our code. Just remember, before you get too excited: migrating to such will take time and doesn't happen overnight. BUT: do get a little bit excited 😉

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


Computed Properties are commonly used in Swift but still come with quite a few options. It's important to know these and especially know when to not use them, considering the performance and readability of your code.


RevenueCat is the best way to build in-app purchases, manage your subscribers, and analyze your IAP data – no server code required. Try it for free.


This could be one of those productivity boosters if it fits your workflow. I can totally see myself getting lost in Twitter because I can’t see my app getting launched on the Simulator.



I like this idea by Krzysztof Zabłocki to make it simpler to define setting screens. It does require to use Sourcery but this might be a good moment to check that out too as it’s a code generator for Swift.
I like this idea by John Sundell for validating email addresses using a RawRepresentable combined with a (lesser-known, in my opinion) NSDataDetector. Even if you’re not working with email addresses, I bet you’ll learn a lot from this post.


This is either super valuable or not valuable at all for you. It depends whether you use Mission Control often and whether you’re working with camel case words a lot but for those that do fit in the right profile, I bet you like this!


Last year, this survey was managed by Dave Verwer. This year, he asked for help from the community and I’m happy to tell Chris and Dragos took this opportunity. The survey takes you only 15 minutes to fill in, is completely anonymous, and helps us better understand where we are in the community.
It’s still a few weeks before it starts but it’s good to mark your calendars early on. Whether your a beginner, experienced, whether you have a lot of time or not, SwiftUI Jam promises to be a weekend full of code jams to stretch your skills.


Releasing a Mac app in or outside the App Store is always a debate. I decided to release RocketSim through the Mac App Store for trust and reach but many decide to release without. Guilherme Rambo gives us a quick start guide explaining how to do this on your own.


Async & Await is becoming more and more popular now that it’s getting closer to a release. I’ve seen a few blog posts covering this new feature in Swift but it’s even more fun to see how it works in a live demo. Vincent Pradeilles shows us.
Ish gave this talk at SwiftFest Boston in 2019. Unfortunately, the recording has never reached the internet, which was a reason for Ish to re-record it. A great, inspiring talk!