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Issue 55
Mar 23, 2021

Do you easily say no? How fast do you feel bad about a day? What actually makes you feel good?

This week's SwiftLee Weekly contains a video by Sean Allen explaining how and when to say no. I also encountered this tweet putting things in perspective.

Working from home for a longer time makes it easy to get stuck in your work. Especially if your homes are small and your office becomes your dining table. Taking a step back (or a step outside) and refresh perspectives is important to realize what you've achieved and where you are today.

I've been listening to a podcast not long ago in which somebody was asked, "do you feel 2020 was a lost year" and he honestly replied it had been an over-productive year. Yes, COVID changes our lives in sometimes negative ways, but it can also definitely positively impact if you benefit from new circumstances. Just make sure to take your responsibilities, say "no" now and then, take time off when needed, and realize what you've achieved.

Enjoy this week's SwiftLee Weekly!


The rethrows keyword in Swift might be unknown to many of you but can become handy if you're wrapping methods like filter, map, and forEach. It prevents you from using a try-catch in cases where methods aren't able to throw an error.


If you often use code folding and dislike its animation, you’re going to be happy with Peter Steinberger's tip. The tweet links to a page full of other valuable Xcode tips worth checking out.


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An interesting solution by Jérôme Alves for decoding JSON using property wrappers. I feel like it’s a solution of taste, but if you like using property wrappers for decoding, this is definitely a project you want to check out.
It was funny to read this post by Point-Free as it described quite a few of the solutions we’ve recently implemented at WeTransfer. Having a package containing test-specific support code is common but might not be necessary anymore after using this new library.
Occasionally I’m running into using unsafe memory pointers, and I always “hope things don’t break.” I was happy to see Tibor Bödecs explaining how and when to use these unsafe pointers in Swift.
I liked this tweet by Bas Broek as it reminds me that I shouldn’t always use 3 slashes (yes, that’s my habit). Bas retweets a tweet by Ben who points out another important thing when it comes down to comments.
Brent Simmons writes about how NetNewsWire handles threading. Posts about threading often end up in interesting discussions, and it reminds me of this GitHub page covering the same. I’m not picking any side here, but I definitely recommend reading this if you’re into threading solutions.


Two weeks ago, I dropped my mapping problem between Core Data classes and other classes using Key Paths on Twitter, hoping somebody would help. Ben Scheirman decided to jump on the problem and helped me solve it. After going back and forth, we decided to go over my solution together in this NSScreencast recording.


This post has been linked in many newsletters already, but if you ask me, it’s never enough. Malware shared through Xcode is terrible, and we should prevent ourselves from running into issues caused by this. Take a look at this post, in which XcodeSpy is explained further.


If there’s one thing I learned over the years, it’s saying “no.” Saying no to yourself to not start another hobby project or saying no to an event when you’re already super busy. Know that it’s OK sometimes to say “no” as you’re likely benefiting from it in the short and long term. Sean Allen gives his perspective on this matter.


A somewhat hidden gem in Xcode that can be super useful for debugging specific scenarios in your app. Scott Berrevoets explains how to delay attaching the debugger until your app launches with a trigger other than Xcode itself.
Testing older macOS versions isn’t as easy as testing older iOS versions, unfortunately. Jesse Squires explains why and how you can deal with this when developing macOS applications.


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