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Speeding up with Xcode Behaviors

Xcode behaviors can change the way how Xcode responds to certain events. Default behaviors help you already by showing for example the debug navigator when hitting a breakpoint, but they can speed you up a lot more. A list of behaviors which are not enabled by default. Starting point is the behaviors tab which can … 


Updating to Swift 4.2

Swift 4.2 is a major release and shipped with Xcode 10. It comes with a lot of code improvements for which the best way to start is to watch the WWDC 2018: What’s New in Swift session. Some of the improvements are easy to implement in your existing code. Replace strongSelf with self SE-0079 makes … 


Debugging breakpoints as a replacement for prints

Debugging breakpoints in Xcode allows you to replace prints and reuse debugging statements in future debugging sessions. By simply enabling and disabling needed breakpoints you can also get rid of debug levels as often defined in libraries like CocoaLumberjack.   Inspired by @twostraws’s debugging presentation at @AppdevconNL I now keep around breakpoints instead of print …